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Aerospace Sensors, Transducers and Actuators
04.38 // 0 komentar // Richard Max // Category: actuators , Aerospace Sensors , aerospace sensors transducers actuators , temperature sensors , transducers //When it comes to aerospace sensors, "analog" or "digital" has become more difficult to be, just be a matter of mode, and that is the fundamental physical principles which are all important.
classification sensor
In discussing the reading device to decide whether to classify them according to physical property they use (such as piezoelectric, photovoltaic, etc.) or according to their functions (eg measurement of length, temperature, etc.). In the first case can be represented reasonably integrated view of the research process, but it's a bit annoying when you want to compare the benefits of, say, two types of temperature sensors, if viewed through separate sections on the resistive, thermoelectric and solid-state devices to make a comparison.
Alternatively, try and differentiate the functions of the device often tends to be rather dull catalog of many unrelated devices. What matters are the signals from one form to another. It is also possible to discuss the sensors from a functional point of view, with titles such as length, temperature, etc., suitable for someone who actually wants to select or use a sensor for a particular application, not just read on the subject.
word "sensors" and "probes"are both widely used in the description of the measurement system. the former is popular in the U.S., while the latter is more often used in Europe. Word choice in science is quite important. In recent years there has been a tendency to coin new words or abuse (or misspell) existing words, and this can lead to considerable confusion and misunderstanding, and seeks to reduce the precision of language. thing is very obvious in the areas of computers and microprocessors, where precision is particularly important and can seriously confuse people entering the subject.
the word 'sensor' is derived from sentire, meaning 'uočiti'i' probe 'the meaning of the transducers' lead over'. Dictionary definitions from Chambers Twentieth Century) from 'senzor'je' device that detects changes in the physical stimulus and turns it into a signal that can be measured or recorded, "fits the definition of" probe "is" a device that transmits power from one system to another in same or different format'.
-sensitive difference is to use the 'sensor' for the sensor itself, and 'probe' for the senses, plus any associated circuitry. For example, thermistor sensors, since they respond to stimulus (changes its resistance with temperature), but only when connected to become the transducer bridge circuit to convert the change in resistance to changes in voltage, because the entire complex then transduces the thermal to the electrical domain. solar cells and sensors and probes, as it responds to the stimulus (current or voltage produced in response to radiation) and radiation from the probe to the electrical domain. It does not require any associated circuitry, although in practice usually the amplifier will be used. All converters also contains sensors, and many (though not all) sensors are also probes.
the difference is quite small and as soon as the sensor is actually used (by applying power to it) becomes the probe. interesting classification of the device can be achieved with regard to various forms of energy or signal transfer.
the word 'aktivirati'znači' put in, or encourage, action 'and actuators are devices that produce visible screen or output to the measuring system as a light-emitting diode (LED) or moving coil meter. They are, of course, the converters are used for output purposes, since they transduce from one domain to another (eg, electricity to the bright LED ).

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