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Holiday Cards and Christmas Cards - What's the Difference?
14.04 // 0 komentar // Richard Max // Category: christmas cards , greeting card etiquette , holiday cards , holiday cards christmas cards difference , holiday cards etiquette //tradition of sending greeting cards dates back to the 1700's. excellent opportunity to stay connected with those who do not see often enough, greeting cards also offer a thoughtful way to let others know you value them as friends, clients and business associates.
When deciding which card to send, it is important to remember that not everyone celebrates the same way. There are very real differences that should be taken into consideration during the season as inappropriate greeting, although sent with the best intentions, can actually do more harm than good, especially in a business relationship. Here are some points greeting card etiquette to consider.
Christmas are perfect for friends and family when you know their religion and feel comfortable sending greetings with a clear Christian message. Pictures depicting the Madonna and child, or designs and sentiments that speak to Christian beliefs were nice and clearly sends a message that says that Christ's birth. These receivers certainly appreciate the warm Christmas greetings and religious rather than a generic "Season's Greetings." If you are at all unsure about the origin, consider greeting less focused on the religious meaning of Christmas.
holiday cards are more non-religious and come with feelings such as "Season's Greetings" or "Happy Holidays", which can be enjoyed by all. Especially in a business environment, which is much more acceptable to send a wish for the holiday season cards designed to acknowledge the season more than a special event.
For example, Jehovah's Witnesses do not celebrate any holiday, and Kwanzaa is celebrated from December 26 to January 1 by many African-Americans. Muslims celebrate two feast holidays during November and December, Hindus celebrate Diwali during the winter months in October or November.
Holiday cards recognize all celebrations during the season without offending any cultural or religious differences. This is especially important in the world of international business, where you'll also want to consider the vacation schedules of its business partners as many take some time off. greeting card sent before their offices close to home to enjoy and that will set your card apart from those cards that stack up awaiting their return.
Thanksgiving Cards have become a new alternative for seasonal holiday or Christmas. I enjoyed all Americans, they can be a nice surprise, arriving in advance of the traditional holiday cards. Thanksgiving cards will also remain on the screen much more.
No matter what the greeting card you send, remember that high quality and take the time to log into your manuscript, even if they are personalized. Your thoughtful gesture is safe to return to customer loyalty, strengthening business partnerships and relationships with friends and family.
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