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Alaska Native, First Nations, & Native American Can Make Their Economies Work
15.31 // 0 komentar // Richard Max // Category: alaska native , first nations , native agriculture cooperative , native american , native fisheries cooperative //Alaska Native, First Nations, and the Indians can make their economies work
Terrance H. Booth, sister - Tsimshian Tribe
of first American president to the current president of the American Indians are facing this nation the leadership of President Washington to President Obama . Since the beginning of this nation called America Indian politics took him from the start of President George Washington. One would think that after 227 years of facing the American presidents and elected officials in Washington, DC that in this day and age that the social and economic problems of Alaska Native American Indian will be fully resolved. Starting with .... . "October 15, 1783 select committee headed by James Duane, who works related to the scandal committed by an Indian, made a report to the Continental Congress on October 15, 1783, stated the procedure for dealing with the Indians in the north and west." (documents from the United States Indian Policy, edited by Francis Paul Průcha, page 3, the proclamation of the Continental Congress, September 22, 1783) The writer wants to show how long the Alaska Native and Native American Tribes are facing this Nation's leaders and officials in particular for solve their social and economic opportunities.
On the bright side of the current day Indian Affairs tribal consultation with all federal agency that oversees Indian affairs. However, as the public sees most of the tribes of the tribal casinos, which earn revenue for their tribal people. ; of 554 tribes tribes are 115 tribal casinos the public at large to see only gloomy side of America's indigenous, high rates of unemployment, of parity with that of the rest of America heard any profession. . There are a huge number of successes in the Indian Country, United States. U.S. Census reports that 237, 000 plus Native companies earnings to $ 34.5 billion U.S. dollars. These companies, in addition to gaming companies.
Each researcher looks at tribal economy tribal reservation will determine the "economic leakage." The meaning of tribal dollars that are spent outside the reservation setting is "economic leakage." Most of the tribal people to leave their reservation for the domestic setting, for clothing, for food, fuel for their vehicles for films, and tribes usually pay a lot of tribal dollars budget for goods and services. This means that there are many "economic leakage" to the tribal land of dollars is going offrezervacije settings instead of remaining in the tribal communities. Perhaps the biggest "economic leakage" of tribes that have their own tribal utility dollars going again off-reservation settings. Some of the American Indian Companies have realized that their special reservation setting has a lot of "economic leakage" have established successful businesses and their business is located on tribal land, and thus, capturing the dollars that would have gone off-reservation
.tribal businesses need to know their tribal people and their purchasing power. "Indians' purchasing power will increase from 19.7 million U.S. dollars in 1990-84600000 U.S. dollars in 2013, an increase of 329.0%, significantly. higher than the 209.1% growth rate of white Indians' share of the consumer market will be 0.6% in 2013 "(Jeffrey M. Humphreys, " multicultural economy in 2007.: America's Minority buying power, "Selig Center for Economic Growth, University of Georgia (2008 )). The tribe can not understand that their strength lies in himself, the new Indian companies begin to use their purchasing power successes of his own people start falling into place. Working together is starting to become a reality among some tribes celebrating success happen for all Indian states, the United States. We read where California tribe built a hotel in Sacramento, California. Just imagine if all gaming tribes collectively receive together as a tribe specifically address removal of poverty from all Indian states, the United States. It's starting to happen a few tribes that have joined forces with great success.
There are natural Tribal Alliances are just waiting to happen. For example, all the fishing tribes of Alaska, British Columbia and Pacific Northwest tribes that can form a fishing association in collaboration to work together to create the amount of seafood for the Globe. Why did the tribes of fish or seafood company seafood brokers who receive more financial benefits from adding value salmon products and turned to higher profits? Through the Fisheries Cooperative Association Native American fishing tribes can have complete control over their tribal fishing industry by creating their own marketing strategy, brand your mother, your own state of the art of seafood for processing a multitude of value-adding all the seafood and have the capacity for a year around fishery, modern fishing fleets to harvest a higher yield and have the opportunity for year around fishing, the value added part of the sizing, gift packaging with Native designs for all the seafood, the ability to search all available seafood licenses for the development of fisheries throughout the year and year-round activities for Native villages in the fishery.
In addition, the national grocery chains have a variety of programs, where minorities of their food products can be the supplier of all our seafood products to several grocery chains. with specialty foods, special gift boxes can go to specialty food stores to high end consumers. Between them are several restaurants attached to Native Tribal casinos, which would easily buy Native seafood. Several tribes have been doing all these activities, are all fishing tribes may form the International Native fishery cooperatives designed specifically for the empowerment of our fishing tribes that oppose and participate in the global economy. It will present tribal economic opportunities and improving the opportunity to acquire substantial tribal wealth development. This will give the tribe the full capacity to assume greater control over the fishing industry in all areas where fishing tribes reside;. fair and just prices for fishermen, seafood harvesting, seafood processing workers, and tribes that have their labeling, marketing to establish a network with one another, Globe and enrich each other by working together will make a fishing cooperative marketing, sales, establish a global reach, and use all available resources and funding to establish tribal self-determination to its fullest during efforts to be beneficial to all fishing tribes.
the very same opportunity that can happen with farming tribes for several Native farming operation to sell national and international markets. Can form the International Native agriculture cooperative among themselves, to jointly work together to establish a Native brands, more Indians Designed for packaging, resource sharing, one tribe has agricultural products and other tribes of May have an opportunity to add value to agricultural products. He is said or documented that 3 / 5 of food products derived from Native American or Indigenous Mexico. So we have several individual tribes are successful at what they do. It is time to take a greater impact on the global economy, and fully identify yourself to become one of the tribe as a global named after Joel Kotkin in his book called "tribes". But he talks about how race, religion and identity determine success in the new global economy. Let's move forward to take full command of their own environment, our own tribal settings, their own tribal values and themselves as native people to wake up to the new reality of the world economy. In the 227 years is facing the Nation's leaders are still trying to solve our social and economic problems that may occur from ourselves. Time to report the successful Indian Affairs Committee, and we can eliminate poverty itself.

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