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Gambling Addiction
15.18 // 0 komentar // Richard Max // Category: addiction , Gambling Addiction , Gambling Problem , Online Gambling //For most people, gambling is simply a way to sporting events or a more interesting part of the annual trip to Las Vegas. However, for some, gambling can be a dangerous addiction that ruins marriages, ends careers, and can result in bankruptcy, even suicide. Gambling addictions have become so prevalent that the American Psychiatric Association now identifies "gambling addiction" as a psychiatric disorder affects two fifty-nine percent of U.S. adults. With the growing popularity of online gambling sites, these estimates may continue to rise.
So what is the allure of gambling? Well, the most obvious answer is convenience. Gamblers do not need to travel to Vegas or Atlantic City, as well as the internet allows access to gambling 24 hours a day, seven days a week with complete anonymity. Furthermore, on-line gambling occurs without actual or instant cash. It is easy for participants to lose site of the fact that they are actually playing for real money! Other attractions include the ease with which people can set up accounts and escape-related spending hours playing online games.
So, when interest rates reach a point of gambling addiction? Generally, there are three criteria for the diagnosis of addiction of any kind. First and foremost is that the word "addiction " implies a loss of control behavior. Those who are addicted just can not control their gambling. What May Have started a quick game of poker can turn the whole day - all night gambling Bender. Second, addicted gamblers often develop "tolerance" to gambling in the same way an alcoholic becomes tolerant to alcohol. Addicted gamblers will demand more and more shares in order to get high that they want. Finally, the extent to which the behavior interferes with the functioning of one is often used as criteria for diagnosing addiction. In case you addicted gambler, he or she can empty bank accounts, sell the value heirlooms, or build a huge amount of dept. In extreme cases, the addicted gambler may steal from friends and family members to finance their addiction, or even become clinically depressed after a devastating loss.
So how do you know if you have a gambling problem? Gambling Anonymous suggests asking questions like these:
1 Have you repeatedly miss work or school due to gambling?
2 Have you ever felt guilty, as a result of your gambling?
3 Have you ever gambled to acquire money for bills or debts?
4 Have you ever gambled until you were completely out of money?
5 Have you ever gambled longer than you planned?
6 Have you ever gambled more money than you originally planned?
7 Have you ever thought about suicide because of gambling?
This list is not exhaustive, but if you answered "yes"to any of the above questions, You May want to talk to a counselor expert on gambling.
Fortunately, there are many resources to help those suffering from gambling addiction. Twelve step programs, such as those used in Alcoholics Anonymous and narcotics anonymous exist for those whose gambling has gotten out of control. Furthermore, support groups, such as Gam-Anon are readily available and are designed to help those who suffer from the families of gambling addiction.
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