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Do Our Politicians Really Think We Are That Stupid?
01.24 // 0 komentar // Richard Max // Category: congress , corruption , medicare patients , millions of lost jobs , political process , politicians really stupid , tort reform //Our elected officials on both sides of the political aisle have to actually think, they represent, are dumber than dirt. This is how we heal. congressional political process seems to be filled with more and more "corruption" in every new session - no matter whether Republicans or Democrats in the majority. Health Care Reform Act (HCRA) program is just the latest to highlight the self-serving, narcissistic practice of our Senators and Congressmen - doing the American public gross bad
.First, I do not think anyone can legitimately argue against the fact that our health care system should be reformed. Too many people are left without coverage, the astronomical cost increases are passed along to consumers who are sick can not afford it every year by the insurance companies, and malpractice insurance premiums are driving doctors out of business.
Senator Harry Reid's bribes to win the vote of Senator Ben Nelson's support of HCRA is travesty of the political process. I think that citizens of other countries is not going to object Reid is a little 100 million U.S. dollars of "Gimme Nebraska, another 100 million U.S. dollars for Louisiana, gifts and other hospitals in Connecticut, Montana, and Texas. And for North Dakota, South Dakota, Wyoming and Utah - retaining the higher payments to rural physicians because they know the smaller towns will lose doctors, when Medicare cut payments. Lose doctors serving Medicare patients
It is interesting that apparently one of the great savings that will pay for HCRA is $ 270,000,000 in reducing doctors pay Medicare patients contained in the bill. Tell us what Congress and Mr. President, that our dumber than dirt faces, that doctors in the ultra-expensive markets such as San Francisco, New York, Los Angeles, Chicago, etc., are going to keep Medicare recipients as patients when they are forced to large reduction in their payments. It will never happen. So once again, what the government proposes a massive right program - that the state has no money to pay. Will we only ask for Beijing to check right now instead of waiting a year or two? It is the only way to finance it, with the government / citizen of the loan. And the sad part, credits U.S. demand more and more like a sucker bet than a sound investment.
One of the greatest physicians (and escalating) cost-of-doing-business is malpractice insurance because of frivolous malpractice lawsuits and huge jury awards. HCRA contains a generic statement with no teeth in it, so that additional state funds if they bring the parties together to form a review panel managed by HHS Secretary. The review panel is structured to ensure that the trial lawyers underrepresented, with seats specially reserved for the "patient advocates", "lawyers with experience in representing the patient"and "expert patient safety." Again, most stakeholders believe any savings will be achieved - only escalating costs as we have seen for decades
.Another example of fraud perpetrated on us, the American Recovery Reinvestment Act I. It was to create 3.5 million jobs in the first year, but we've actually lost 2.6 million jobs. Now Congress and Mr. President will monitor the success (sic), along with throwing more good money (which we do not have) in this tepid program. Speaker Nancy Pelosi suggested that we had a new found money available from unspent TARP funds, just as she found money at the end of a long - when in fact that money borrowed from foreign investors as well. Just as she thought (or not). Just how stupid does she have to?
The Republicans are really no better in the "pork barrel" department - a vote for anything and everything that could be re-elected - look after the good of the country only as an afterthought. Their obstructionist tactics have not helped the discussion of health care, nor have they presented a viable plan of their own.
This is madness must come to a halt. We are technically bankrupt state, if any of our major creditors decided to call in their notes. We have the irrefutable damage to our nation being that our children and grandchildren will be paying for decades. To use a phrase from "Chicago politics" throw the bums out!
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