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Voluntary Work - The Basics
18.18 // 0 komentar // Richard Max // Category: examining voluntary activities , group activity , United States , voluntary activity , voluntary work basics , vul //Translating ...
In the first phase, and activities in most countries were limited to natural and environmental problems, but embraced all aspects of life, so that these activities are expanded in such a scale that some individuals were members of various voluntary organizations at one time. They get nothing for their energetic efforts.
volunteer activity is directly related to the life, work and income levels of individuals. For this reason, this issue is examined at two levels. social and individual
an individual level
long as people are not satisfied with your life and work, they will not be able to do any other activity that is inconsistent with their current activities and life. In other words, until the individual can not meet their needs, he / she will do at least for the voluntary activities and therefore, those who have a better lifestyle and those within a better income, up to participate in volunteer activities.
a social level
If members of society have access to the society in which they live are the property of each member, and its members are not distant islands, and if the social norms and perceptions of group activities are considered as positive, then no doubt that volunteering will be encouraged. The second case here at the social level it is important to the type of democracy and the rule of the people in the structuring of voluntary actions. Most countries in the Third World, with the totalitarian and authoritarian regimes put many obstacles in the way of voluntary business activities, because they consider it as a potential threat to the strongman rule and are therefore largely voluntary activities achieved the middle and upper middle class and working more than a constructive work, such as informing the masses, so they are executed by the ruling regime and they have prevented a free and independent activities, although these regimes are only partially support the activities in environmental matters. However, in countries with democratic countries, people love their state, and voluntary activities are supported both at the national level and beyond.
such that for voluntary activity, there must be an appropriate cultural, social, economic and political backgrounds. In the study volunteers' activities in the United States as a case study, we can come to the conclusion that it is the first in the country due to the large number of nongovernmental organizations, the high level of public participation, voluntary activities are quite high, and the other due to the democratic political system, of all ethnic and other Minorities have a right to express their ideas on the most. volunteer activities to help minorities is underway in the United States, this is quite high (around 78 percent), so that each year millions of American urban population to go to rural areas and to volunteer activities such as visiting farms, helping farmers harvest fruits and agro-products and they also have fun. According to statistics, annually more than 70 percent of the population visits to rural areas. United States as an industrial and developed countries, although it made a lot of damage to the environment, is among the countries that contribute most in terms of voluntary actions to save the environment.

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