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About Reflexology Information
14.44 // 0 komentar // Richard Max // Category: reflexology , reflexology information //Reflexology May be described as a specialized form of massage of the feet and - less commonly - in his hands. Performed to detect and correct "imbalances" in the body that May be cause of illness, however, much more than just a massage.
therapy has its roots in the practice of healers of ancient Egypt, Greece, and perhaps ancient China. Among the pictographs dating from about 2300 BC in Egyptian tomb in Saqqara Ankhmahar doctors, for example, is one that shows two students working on the hands and feet of two "patients". Reflexologists also argue that manipulation of the feet for healing purposes was common among the indigenous peoples of both North and South America.
Alternative names for reflexology include reflex zone therapy and treatment areas. There are several variant forms or expansion of therapies, including reflexology Morrelli. Perhaps the most widely divergent among them, however, Vacuflex metamorphie systems and techniques.
Modern therapy
Modern reflexology stems mainly from work in the early 20th century, two Americans, Dr. William Fitzgerald and Eunice Ingham. This is Fitzgerald, who first proposed the theory that the body is divided into ten equal zones which stretch the length of the body from head to toe, and that stimulation of the foot in one area affect other parts of the body in the same zone.
This work was continued Eunice Ingham, where he developed a "body-chart", which he claimed, showed that whole body is reflected on the soles of the feet. In this way, for example, the big toe is closely connected with the head and the ball reflects the thyroid area.
How to do basic Reflexology
setting should be quiet. therapist takes a case history of past and present health and current lifestyle. treatment that progresses should reveal any other problems. Therapy can be very safe and effective practice nontherapist if a trained professional is not available.
A person who is receiving therapy should scated in a comfortable position, barefoot and his feet supported.
Method Clean and dry both feet thoroughly before checking them for corns, calluses, swelling, defonnities, and everything else that might be painful to touch. Relax your feet by stroking them as you talk. Starting with the toes, work down the length of each foot to foot, including the top and sides. Both feet should be worked on simultaneously. full reflexology session usually lasts between 45 and 60 minutes. Most therapists agree that the best results of treatment are important and should be held at the regular weekly or, at best, twice a week.
Self To do reflexology on one's own feet is extremely difficult, but shoes, mats, rollers, and brushes that stimulate the reflexes are widely available as a method of self-help.
While the self-treatment does not benefit from the transfer of energy from the reflexologist to the person being massaged, it is very useful as a preventive therapy and during the emergency.
The elements of therapy
the application of pressure the therapist uses a variety of ways to put pressure on the reflex points, including friction, rotary, and caterpillarlike movement, but all usually begin with a firm but gentle enough stroking movements over the entire foot. In the West, the fingers and thumb are used, and Oriental practitioners tend to use sharpened sticks or similar objects. In Vacuflex, vacuum pump and pads are used.
Effects of the person being treated will experience a series of sensations as different areas of the feet worked on. Every feeling of pain or discomfort, when the "congested" area being treated is usually brief and soon goes away, leaving a feeling of release that can often be felt almost at once. Most people report feeling light-ness and relaxation, with renewed energy, immediately after treatment sessions. This can sometimes be followed by further reactions - known technically as cleansing reactions - as a treatment has an effect: they can include headaches, running nose, mild rash, and a strong urge to urinate
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