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Harvard - The Making of a Hero
02.45 // 0 komentar // Richard Max // Category: harvard , harvard making hero , harvard university , making of a hero //Harvard University is the hometown for the wealthy, beautiful, elegant and articulate American society, elite citizens. John Fitzgerald Kennedy become law proud universities like Harvard would like to have as one of his students. Mr. Kennedy is well respected at home and abroad with its elegant and articulate way with words. Mr. Kennedy would eventually become the 35th President of the United States. He became president of the United States at the age of 43 years as the youngest man ever to hold office and the first Catholic ever to be elected to such a high position in our government. Harvard University, many prominent citizens who have walked these sacred halls graduated with honors, but Mr. Kennedy has proved to be the most respected of them all. Kennedy was born in Brookline, Massachusetts, on May 29, 1917 a descendant of Irish Catholics who emigrated to America in the 19th century proved to be a real American.
is given to the American people a sense of purpose to meet the challenges of the scientific age, to help change the laws to strengthen civil rights, adoption of the Civil Rights Act of 1964 and opposed to discrimination in all areas of life. Mr. Kennedy showed courage during the Second World War as commander of the PT boat and again when the Russians withdrew during the Cold War, when they wanted to place missiles in Cuba only a few miles off the coast of our nation. Mr. Kennedy was not a man to be reckoned with as he showed his mettle on the battlefield and the political field. He has shown Americans that the president had the responsibility, and he has been taken in full force. Mr. Kennedy help elderly by Medicare to supplement their health coverage, with a monthly income were already taking to help them with their living expenses. He also had Congress pass a bill to increase Social Security to keep up with the cost of living scale, and added a program to help those who were not entitled to receive social security. He did many things while he was president of the United States to help people in America and people around the world.
Kennedy, along with his wife Jackie traveled around the world on behalf of the United States of spreading good will and find out what things we can do as a nation to help others in other countries. He fought aggression whenever he could make the world a safer place to live. He believed in our nation's future in space age getting Congress to fund the space program. He did so much for our nation and it was a very sad day when he was killed. Our nation and the world lost a great man that day in November 1963rd Harvard gym even sound his death to commemorate a great man.

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